Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I've decided to start a new blog to chronicle my time as a stay-at-home dad with my son Xander. You can find my musings on everything sports and pop culture related on my other blog, but this one will be dedicated strictly to Xander.

Today is my second full day as a stay-at-home dad with my son Xander. Prior to this, I worked for the Colorado Rockies Baseball Club for 7 years. I spent the last four years working on Rockies Magazine, which is the Club's gameday magazine. Before that, I earned my MBA from the University of Denver, and had several jobs that lasted far less than seven years, including a sports PR firm that I started with my college roommate and ran for a little more than two years. I am from Massachusetts originally, but have lived in Denver since 2003 when I came out to pursue my MBA. I have been married to my gorgeous wife Summer for five blissful years.

But enough about me. My son Xander was born on May 31 of this year, so he is just over six months old. Now that I am staying home with him, I wanted to attempt to chronicle what he's doing everyday, because I have a terrible memory and want to be able to remember these times when I get older.

Yesterday, Xander was a ball of fun. A couple of weeks ago, he started being able to stay sitting up on his own. Now, he is starting to scoot on his bum. He grabs at whatever he can to pull himself in the direction he wants to go. Soon, he'll be crawling, but this is a start. That was never more obvious than yesterday. I sat him on the kitchen counter while I was warming up his bottle. The lip of our porcelain sink extends over the counter, and Xander was able to scoot the little way over to the lip. He then grabbed the lip and pulled himself over to the edge of the counter. Before I knew it, he was halfway into the sink! I grabbed him in time, fortunately, but it was cool/horrifying to see him move so quickly.

Unfortunately, he wouldn't sleep much yesterday. He took three naps, but only for a half hour each time, and usually he takes at least one nap of at least an hour and a half each day, so he was a sleepy boy come night time. He fell asleep on top of Summer at 6:30, and didn't wake up, so he didn't get to have his sweet potatoes for dinner. But that will be part of the adjustment process as he transitions from day care to full-time to being at home with daddy full-time. His naps today have already been longer.

One note - it is highly unlikely that I will be posting pictures or video to this blog. My wife and I believe pretty strongly that we don't want his image plastered all over the Internet at such an early age. "It's harmless," you'll say, and you're probably right, but we'd like to keep our little guy's cute face private for now.

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