Sunday, December 12, 2010


When Xander was first born, he was like any baby boy. He would patiently look at you for a few seconds, but then he was off staring at a light, or whatever else caught his eye. On his second day, the hospital sent in a professional photographer to take pictures of him, and after a couple of minutes, the photographer remarked what a good boy he was being. Famous last words. Right then, he started crying, and kicking, and flailing, and it took a maximum effort to get him to cooperate for the photos.

Fast forward six-plus months and it's the complete opposite. Whenever Xander sees a camera, not only does he look right at it, but now he even mugs for the camera, flashing his best little Xander smile. Yesterday, a friend came over to take our first-ever Christmas card photo, and Xander smiled big for all nine photos, though on one he turned towards his mommy because she distracted him. Xander was debatably a more patient subject than mom and dad.

So whereas before, his mom and dad were concerned that he wasn't focusing on things, which may have been an unfounded concern, now the concern is that taking 30+ pictures of Xander could be fueling a "me" mentality, a mentality that Xander is always the center of attention. Of course, that's not stopping mom and dad from taking those 30+ pictures a month. After all, he's just too cute!


  1. Its called egocentic...he will be that way for the next 5 or 6 years...the world revolves around him and everything that is going on has something to do with him...its a "me" world at this stage in development no matter how many pictures you take of him!! Besides...aunt chan likes the pics so keep em coming!!!!

  2. This blog is disappointing. What's a baby blog without pictures!? A stay-at-home MOTHER would not make the same oversight. It just goes to show - The Best Man For The Job Is A Woman. Recognize.
