Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tris & Xan

Two weekends ago, mom, dad and Xander ventured back to mom's home parts in central New York. The reason for the visit was simple -- Xander's cousin Tristan (and his mom) were coming to town for a visit. This was going to be Tristan's first trip to his mom's old stomping grounds, and it was a good opportunity to get the two cousins, who are separated by only a few months, together for a visit.

When kids are at this age, they rarely interact with each other. Rarely, they interact around one another, and this was the case for much of the time Tris and Xan spent together. But they offered a few glimpses of what life would be like when they managed to focus on each other.

One thing is clear -- the two boys like each other. It helps that both seem to be both outgoing and easygoing at the same time. Tris isn't walking on his own yet, but he is crawling up a storm, and he can walk if someone is propping him up. Several of the times he was propped up, he would venture over Xander's way, and when nobody helped him, he crawled over on his own.

Xander, being the more mobile of the two, would sometimes walk over to Tris, crouch down and point or wave at Tris. Once, when Tris was snapped into his umbrella stroller, Xander took it upon himself to wheel Tris around for a few minutes. Each time Xander's route changed, Tris would look up at him with a bemused look on his face, and they would share a laugh.

Like all good cousins, they also shared in some roughhousing. On Saturday at the hotel, Tris parked himself on the floor in front of one of the dressers. Xan took this as an opportunity to repeatedly Tris' fingers into the dresser drawers, until Tris had enough and went crawling over to his mom for protection. He would return the favor on Sunday though. Seated on the floor of the fire house where a gathering was held for family members to come and visit with Tris and his mom, the two boys shared a snack of Rice Chex. Xander, however, was sharing more reluctantly than usual, because Rice Chex are his favorite. Tris wasn't a big fan of Xander's reticence, and decided it would be easier to give him a chop across the chest with his meaty forearm, knocking Xan over and taking the Chex all for himself.

Though the two boys probably won't see each other as much as their mom's would like, they are growing up in the internet age and will likely be the best of buds. But when they do get together, they are sure to create a tornado of destruction, laying waste to both themselves and anything or anyone in their way. Put the women and children to bed when Tris and Xan are afoot!

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