Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Uh Oh

Xander is a very expressive little boy. He points, he laughs, he dances, he cries, he yells, he yells louder and then he yells even louder. But talking is not yet his thing. For whatever reason, whether it's because boys talk later or mom and dad have made it too easy for him to communicate what he wants, Xander has been slow to talk. Or so it would seem. But in early January, he started to say "Uh oh."

To be sure, this wasn't Xander's first attempt at a word. He had slurred "truck" and "dog" in the past, and had been pointing and talking gibberish (to adult ears, anyway) for a while before saying "uh oh." But while he said other words before, he would never repeat them when asked to do so. But soon after he started saying "uh oh," mom and/or dad were trading double-digit volleys of "uh oh" before breaking up into laughter.

Soon after "uh oh" came "ma" and "da," which very clearly are his "mom" and "dad," as he usually yells them whenever mom or dad leaves a room for a few minutes. Initially, he would also frequently whine "ma ma ma ma," even when she wasn't home, which was a pretty clear sign that mom had definitively become the good cop.

Xander still isn't speaking a great deal, but mom and dad know that he understands just about everything. He readily identifies most anything he is asked to point out, be it his feet, where the lamps are in a room, or which Toy Story character is Buzz Lightyear. In fact, he is quite adept at his Toy Story 3 Memory! game, for which the recommended age is three+ (Xander is not yet two). While he isn't saying much now, it's only a matter of time before he is talking up a storm. And when he does...uh oh!