Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Doors, The Doors!

All kids love peek-a-boo (some adults like it too). One of the easiest ways to actually hide your whole body while playing peek-a-boo is obviously to hide behind a wall or a door. Once mom and dad realized that Xander liked this a lot, they started playing it with him. Before he started crawling, he would just sit on the living room floor and laugh and throw his hands in the air (sometimes) excitedly while mom or dad kept surprising him from behind the door.

Once Xander started crawling however, the cat was out of the bag. Now he could crawl over to that pesky door and find mom or dad, stripping away the element of surprise. The first time he figured it out, he crawled over and poked his head around the door. Then, being the strong boy that he is, instead of crawling all the way around the door, he decided to push it out of his way. And thus his new favorite game was born.

Now, whenever he gets an opportunity, Xander will crawl over to a door and start opening and closing it. He does this a little at a time. He'll push it one way, then crawl to the door and pushes it some more. Sometimes, it's a tight squeeze, like inside the bathroom. In that case, he'll kind of wiggle his body so that he's sort of wrapped around the base of the door. Then, when he's ready to push it, he'll kick his legs out of the way so that the door doesn't take him for a ride. He has just as much fun wiggling and crawling to and around the door as he does pushing it, but he does take special pleasure in shutting the door completely on someone, especially his mom.

That's not to say it's all fun and games. Big doors are fine, but the pantry doors can be tricky. One day, Xander got his fingers caught in between the slits of the doors. He didn't care for that at all. Other doors have cleaning chemicals behind them, so those doors now have locks. Xander still thinks he can open these doors though, so every once in awhile mom and dad hear this thunderous rattle. One of these days, Xander will probably tear the doors off at their hinges, he's so strong. Or not. After all, he's just a baby. A baby that likes to play games like peek-a-boo. Just as long as he can figure out how the game is played.